Clarke Middle School Grants
National Science Convention attended by Wendy Moy, Valerie Franks, Stephanie Kozak, Sarah Kious.
Dani D'Elia was awarded a grant to complete Orton Gillingham Practicum and Fieldwork. (Awarded 2023-24)
Soomin Lee was awarded a grant to attend the Modern Band Summit Conference. (Awarded 2023-24)
Ryleigh DiMattel was awarded a grant to attend the Teaching YouCubed Summer Camp Curriculum. (Awarded 2022-23)
Sarah Kious and Stephanie Kozak were each awarded a grant to attend the annual National Science Teachers Convention 2023. (Awarded 2022-23)
Catherine Brooks, Jane Hundley, Kathryn Jones, Geetika Kaw and Casey Siagel were each awarded a grant to attend the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2023 Annual Conference. (Awarded 2022-23)
Professional Certification in Restorative Justice Practices. Habiba Davis was awarded a grant to complete a one-year program and receive Professional Certification in Restorative Justice Practices to be a trainer for LPS. (Awarded 2021-22)
Strengthening Dyslexic and Struggling Students’ Reading, Writing and Spelling Skills. Katherine Costa, Reading Specialist, will complete the course and practicum required to achieve Level 1 Certification in the Orton-Gillingham approach, which addresses higher-level concepts like advanced word structure, vocabulary development, comprehension, assessment, and case management that are especially critical for middle school students. (Awarded 2018-19)
Finnish education system a world-renowned model of excellence
Anna Monaco, Principal of Clarke School, and Jennifer Turner, Principal of Diamond School, will participate in an intensive one-week study tour that gives principals an opportunity to learn about and experience such aspects of Finnish school administration as pedagogical leadership, implementing a learner-centered approach, collaboration of schools with various stakeholders, and other groundbreaking educational practices that have made the Finnish education system a world-renowned model of excellence. (Awarded 2017-18)
Example STEAM creation from tools available at Clarke Library
Making It @ Clarke. Clarke Librarian Carolyn Kelly, working with engineering teachers, the science department head, and the principal, will create an interactive, hands-on learning space in the library that offers materials, tools, kits and technology that enable students to self-direct their learning of STEAM skills while creating projects for class assignments and WIN Block activities. (Awarded 2016-17)
Clarke Connections Padcaster Studio Equipment. Tiffany Zides was awarded a grant to create a Clarke Connections Podcaster Studio to improve the quality of student video productions and communications. (Awarded 2021-22)
Clarke Middle School Principal describes recent LEF School Community Grants that enable Clarke Middle School students and faculty to practice innovative teaching and learning.
Clarke Middle School was awarded a grant for Restorative Justice training in collaboration with Suffolk University's Center for Restorative Justice. (Awarded 2021-22)
Clarke Middle School will provide professional learning to a core group of teachers to develop the skills and knowledge needed to design and implement a rigorous, relevant, project-based learning curriculum. (Awarded 2017-18)