Innovation in the Classroom
The impact of LEF contributions on Lexington’s students is broad, transformative, and enduring. Our children benefit from richer learning experiences and best practices targeted to their diverse needs and strengths, and to their teachers’ own excitement about learning. Future students reap the benefits of today’s grants, as teachers share their new learning and practices with fellow educators at LPS’ Lexington Learns Together, professional development days, and in their Professional Learning Communities within and across subjects, grades and schools.
Most recently, in the 2023-24 school year, LEF awarded $204,000 for 36 teacher-initiated grants to build community, invest in reading and writing support, build new skills, promote joy in learning, advance social and restorative justice, and support diversity, equity and inclusion throughout Lexington Public Schools.
Fiske Elementary School shares their Mentor Program which began with an LEF grant and helps new families and students integrate into the school community.
Music educator Mrs. Carpenter explains how her students benefit from the music composition whiteboard and software made available through her LEF Grant.
Project Adventure at Clarke Middle School
Student Perspective
"Thank you for funding this day [project adventure] where I learned about working with my community while having fun. I learned that there are people I can trust to help me. I also learned that not everything will work out, but you just have to move on like when we ran out of materials for the 'beast.' I had a great day." ~Clarke Student
ELL teacher, Deidre, works with a 5th grade student from Japan
Educator Perspective
"[T]hank you for so generously funding our summer work on Building Bridges Across Cultures….[We] can’t tell you how valuable these meetings were to continuing the conversation around supporting students, families and staff as well as continuing to build trusting relationships. Our time together was incredibly powerful." - Deirdre Schadler, Yuiko Shimazu, Barbara Adolph, Lonarrae Shand, Lysa Pirone, Kerrie Donnelly, Mariana Pradas-Sullivan.
Yvonne L. - LPS Parent
Parent Perspective
"At a recent LEF event where faculty described their grant results, I took note that LEF board members were engaging and the teachers and administrators were enthusiastic. I felt that the money I invest in LEF is going to good use. All this enrichment and advancement would not be possible without LEF grants that encourage our school teachers to try something new. LEF is the incubator for innovative education ideas in Lexington Public Schools." ~ Yvonne L.
Ms. Zahn, CAAL member and Kids Triathlon organizer
partner Perspective
"45 kids raced in the local triathlon and 14 high schoolers/parents volunteered for the event this year, therefore as one of the most represented groups in the race, Minuteman@Lex team received a check in the amount of $590 from Kids Triathlon Inc. We are very proud of the kids who participated the race in the past few years and this now has became a wonderful event for volunteers who give back to the schools.z' "- Ms. Zahn, CAAL member and Kids Triathlon organizer.