“We have been lucky to receive LEF school community grants that have positively affected our whole school.
Lexington Education Foundation is a community-based nonprofit, volunteer-run organization that raises financial support from families and businesses to fund exceptional educational activities that address the Lexington Public Schools' priorities but fall outside the scope of the LPS budget. Since 1989, LEF has awarded more than $6 million for activities designed to enrich the learning experience and strengthen the achievement of every student in every Lexington public school. Get our most complete up-to-date non profit data at Guidestar.
To bring the community together to build and sustain the excellence of Lexington public schools. To support exceptional educational activities in all Lexington Public Schools. To bring innovative instruction and new technologies into Lexington's classrooms. To support faculty's professional learning. To help our schools build strong, student-centered learning communities that inspire and engage every student to reach their greatest potential.
Extends beyond the grant and the moment of the award.
A teacher's opportunity to enrich his/her professional development brings the experience of educators around the world into our classrooms.
These grants and experiences foster the creation of innovative curriculum, which positively impacts thousands of Lexington students every day.
LEF-funded experiences motivate teachers to improve their craft and excite students to pursue their passion, contributing meaningful and positive advances to our community.
All 10 Lexington schools receive funding to enrich learning.
100+ teachers empowered with targeted support.