About Investors in Education
We invite you to become an LEF Corporate Investor in Education. When you join LEF’s community of corporate supporters, your business’ social leadership will help guide positive change in our community. As an LEF corporate sponsor, you will be entitled to benefits that include prominent recognition of your support that reaches the entire Lexington community online, in print, and at LEF’s signature annual events. See the Menu of Benefits below for details.
When businesses and residents come together to advance world-class education, we inspire students and faculty to achieve their dreams. We hope you will join the movement and invest in Lexington students through supporting LEF this year.
Companies that support the Lexington Education Foundation with financial and/or in-kind donations demonstrate their belief in our community's shared responsibility for ensuring that our children receive an outstanding public education.
A special thank you to our Platinum and Gold Investors in Education in 2024-2025:
- Chase Plumbing
- Coppe & Sears Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
- Levine Orthodontics
- Lexington Dental Associates
- Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport)
- Russian School of Math
Silver Investors in Education in 2024-2025:
Bronze Investors in Education 2024-2025
- AoPS Academy Lexington
- Beth Sager Group Realtors
- Bryan Joyce, Compass Real Estate
- Cambridge Savings Bank
- Eastern Bank Foundation
- JW Construction
- Lexington Pediatrics
- Lexington Times Magazine
- Lexington Toyota
- Middlesex Savings Bank
- Sullivan Tire and Auto Service
Contributors in 2024-2025: