Student Ambassador Program — Lexington Education Foundation

Student Ambassadors

Lexington High School students may apply to be considered to serve two-year terms in LEF's Student Ambassador program. This program provides an opportunity for students to learn and experience how nonprofit organizations operate as they participate in every area of LEF's operations, from fundraising and grant review to communications and event planning. Student Ambassadors earn LHS Community Service hours for their participation in the program.

Student Ambassadors:

  • Promote LEF to parents, students and Lexington businesses
  • Attend the LEF volunteer orientation and Grantee Reception in the fall
  • Attend two LEF board meetings a year
  • Research and write articles about LEF grants and activities for publication in such publications as the Lexington Minuteman and LHS Musket
  • Assist in LEF's fundraising campaigns
  • Assist at all LEF community events including the Trivia Bee (Winter, 2024) and Celebration for Education (June, 2024)
  • Participate in the grant review process by providing feedback on proposals at a proposal review meeting (March)

Interested students should write a brief statement (up to 250 words) describing their experience, interests and reasons for wanting to serve as a Student Ambassador. Sarah Carter, LEF's Vice President for the Student Ambassador Program, reviews applications and guides Student Ambassadors throughout the year.